What is a Hair Test? (HTMA)
Quite different from a serum blood test. You are using your hair which provides 3 months of a window into your health, your macro, trace elements, and toxic elements.
Your Patient Report also shows foods you need to eat more of and those to avoid? It has a section providing you with your own individual health trends, these are issues by diagnosis name or condition, specific to your pattern. Trends are computed by the lab using statistical and clinical research data from over 40 years of running profile tests.
Once you order your “HTMA” (Profile #2), you will be mailed a kit with instructions about how to collect your hair sample. This is easy, takes about 5 minutes. Your packet contains a cover letter with clear instructions, a hair scale, a short submittal form, and postage-paid addressed return envelope.
You need only about a teaspoon of hair.
Scalp, pubic and ancillary hair (chest) all work if the hair is not dyed, permed nor chemically treated, or has products like hair gel or sprays. You want to use clean natural hair. If your hair is dyed, colored, or permed you can use pubic hair. The lab will also process fingernail, as well as toenail clippings also weighed to provide enough of a sample on the scale.
Do not wrap the hair in tin foil, nor paper clip it or contaminate it in any way before sending it to the lab. Pieces that you weigh and return in the lab collection envelope should not be over 1.5″ in length or the lab may refuse them.
New York residents may not order tests to be mailed to the State of New York. You can contact me at my email and we can discuss if there is another way for you to order your test while visiting a relative out of state or another way.
Your Patient Report will list nutritional elements, significant ratios, toxic elements, metabolic type, health trends (diseases, conditions), and nutritional insights.
Your Patient Report will give us phenomenal insight into what is happening with your body from tissue that was near to the blood in your brain and carries about 3 months’ worth of information including from your lymph. You will receive your report via your email. If you do not have an email we can make other arrangements.
What will take place in our time together?
Our time together is calming and stabilizing, informing but also very productive.
You may have been experiencing physical, mental and/or spiritual issues that have been with you for many years that were never truly resolved. Drugs didn’t help (medications).
If you find that you are tired of being asked, and/or tested or quizzed about, “Are you depressed?” You want something more than swallowing another pill, but you don’t know where to turn.
There is a need in our world today for Shamans and Medicine People. Healing depends upon us to step in and balance daily habits, and provide clarity in how we achieve the balance we need to promote real healing or regeneration. We are, in fact, most of us, degenerated in ways that have never been identified and are not diagnosed. These are the preexisting conditions that lend to the troubles of today are these unidentified weaknesses that are not known to the majority of our people.
I provide a service that is very different than a Health Coach, Nutritionist or Doctor.
The service I provide in my business is flexible, intuitive, perceptive, and as well, scientific. I have 37 years now in 2021 to have come this far and developed.
I hold space with empathy, integrity, and absolute honesty. I help you get results and beyond that increase your potential in many ways.
Many of us are waking up and realizing that we hold the key to our own vitality and wellness.
Your diet, daily habits, personal and inherited patterns as well as “loops,” these are the aspects of your life that must be considered, observed and yet it is rare to find Women with deep-level experience who hold valuable insights, and skills like these in the world today-they are needed and we need more of us!
You can see the categories of interest that I imbue which are stated on my wellness form–this is the beginning of your new Journey!
An Elder Momma Shaman & Medicine Woman who has worked with hundreds, thousands of hours for now 37 years.
In my medicine bag some of the many ways I can help you include: nutrition, detoxification, mind-body medicine, massage/tablework, herbalist, yoga instructor-Kemetic, and HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis).
Whether you want to lose weight, balance your moods, infertility, fibroids, anxiety, depression, skin issues, thyroid issues, your body is a whole system. My lifelong passion has been developing the inner standing I carry today.
You are invited to check out my Testimonials section.
How long are Sessions?
15, 30, 45, 60, and 90-minute sessions are available.
How do I get started with Shaman?
Complete your Wellness Form located here:
Not Ready for one-on-one coaching, but want to get started making improvements in your life?
Karen has several courses available online located at https://naturally-with-karen.teachable.com/
What is Reversing Disease?
Reversing disease means that you are progressing in your levels of vitality, energy while removing each symptom one by one and regenerating your own health. You may also begin to release the need for all the supplements and medications. You are your physician!
Most of our health issues may be caused by food chemicals/diet, stress, vaccines, exposures to chemicals, heavy or toxic metals. I will most often recommend a “hair test” and then review the results of your Patient Report sharing the lab’s recommendations and my own for you.
Hair tissue testing is not drug testing it is a superior form of testing that will reveal so much about you that we can proceed with clarity and without guessing.
I can also clearly see on the lab’s report, your thyroid strength, adrenal strength, blood sugar issues, hormone issues, infection protection, virus protection and much more!
What is Detoxification?
Detoxification is like house cleaning!
To detox is to intentionally strengthen your digestive and elimination systems to function better! Your skin, eyes, hair will just glow and you become radiant! We achieve this through stabilization, redirecting some habits, bringing on some new ones, and optimizing you.
Detoxification is done naturally by the body for sure, but often, there are problems with removing inflammation or methylation. What we do together is create an optimum situation for mobilizing and excreting your inflammation, toxins, heavy metals and we do it without gimmicks sold today that are pricey and questionable.
You are unique and that’s important!
Everyone is different, this is why a unique and personal plan is established when we spend time together optimizing you! It’s step by step. Many of my clients have decided to become medicine people who also provide for the billions of people in the world that need your help.
Once you have achieved your own goals and you have experienced the truth of this medicine, you may wish to be part of this movement.
What is the Plant-Based Diet and do I have to do it?
Plant-based diets provide super positive benefits, and when we need to they get you fast results!
When you have a disease that requires quickly reaching a goal to keep you safe, that is where we want to give your body the easiest possible avenue to regenerate energy- not digest heavy meats, grains, cheese and bread. We do not want to use energy that will take away from energy necessary for healing at a time we need to concentrate your vital energy to return to a positive state of health.
This journey is about you, I am not here to convert nor condemn, I am supporting you.
What about Women’s Issues & Infertility?
I have worked extensively with gynecological issues: PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, FBD, as well as Infertility. I reversed my own diagnosis of Endometriosis and Infertility in 1993 given by Dr. Bolanos in Los Gatos, CA and I have for many women and a few men.
You want to take action sooner than later with cysts, nodules and tumors!
Before you get pregnant it’s important to test and prepare with me so I can help you to make a better baby!
Optimizing your baby through conscious conception is a joy for me. Having you less anxious and more aware, healthier baby, more intelligent baby, easier delivery and better chances of a future life.
You are optimizing your baby’s future!
What about Children’s Issues? Autism, “ASD,” ODD, ADHD?
I would love to help you!
Mom, Dad, Grandparents, or caregivers like foster parents, we talk about goals and solutions that really work and balance our family and get to the root of why children are suffering as they are today!
I have a great deal of experience, having been a Therapeutic Foster Parent (10 years), meeting with Psychiatrists, I am a Mother, and I have lived amongst what we term Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
When you are living with and experiencing severe levels of “ODD.” (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) it disrupts the entire family and home. Let’s get on this now, let me show you what you can accomplish in addition to counseling support which is a good pair!
What is Mind-Body Medicine?
What we hold in our minds and in our personal thoughts is often more important than the food we put into our mouths.
Mind-Body Medicine is dynamic! My clients are amazed when they realize the power of the mind and how to observe and listen to where there is tension and how that directly manifests in the body. It’s amazing!
Once you realize that our mental pain and negative thoughts create a restriction and lack of flow in the body it opens up a whole new world.
Believe that you hold the keys to influencing your own body, mind, and spirit! It’s all inside you.
It is important to take action and not continue to wait. You never know when you won’t have the same opportunity that you do today. And, most today grew up never seeing nor experiencing healing which is sad.
It is as if we don’t have time to heal-and, we do not see healing instead we see people “run to the doctor,” but we don’t see people actively taking a part in their own regeneration on a day to day basis; that is precisely what we do together whether that it once, weekly, biweekly, monthly or a few times a year.
If you are like me and you realize how crucial Mind-Body Medicine is and that it is truly more than a yoga mat and a guided meditation, I also have a very unique course in Mind-Body Medicine located on my website titled: Crucial Keys to Unlocking Disease. I have a beautiful frameable Certificate of Completion for you by request when you finish this course of 5.5 hours of absolutely life-changing content.
How Long Will it Take?
This is a matter of personal as well as individual factors like motivation, habits, as well as individual biochemistry. I have done sessions with clients weekly to balance motivation, accountability and introduce solutions, recommendations, cover subsequent patient reports, and found that people have reversed disease in 9, 15, 24, or 36 months.
Hundreds of clients and we are all different. Brian reversed 31 years of Psoriasis in 8 sessions. Another woman 2 years for a 27 year Lupus diagnosis. 14 months for Stage III Kidney Disease. For myself, 15 months for Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma (documented). There are way more, but again, you are unique and you may be so motivated, have a strong will, and ready to embrace some changes, get on ordering the test and consult and complete the wellness form and we get going.
Changes begin soon, improvements build one upon the other.
As we proceed, I “weave” in detoxification, diet, sleep, walking, nature, Mind-Body Medicine, herbs, supplements when necessary, tools, and of course the Shaman pieces for those who appreciate that. I also have clients who do not want that but want to partake of the pieces they want and to reach their own goals.
The lab knows and I have seen as well that so many improvements happen when we put our mind to it; when we are engaged, motivated and we are capable of thinking “outside of the box.”
My clients don’t accept, “this is your diagnosis for life.” They don’t want to pop pills forever and they believe that their own body is quite capable. Those are my clients, I don’t provide services for those who are strictly obedient and complacent, and follow the herd- this is not “herd” medicine this is Original Medicine.
How can you help dogs?
They are kindred! Canine companions that we share our time, homes, and lots of love!
I live with four canine companions: Fiyah, Luna, Pablo, and Brazen, they are all unique and loving sentient life force beings with a fondness for nature, fresh air, sunshine, or a romp in the snow.
Much like us human animals, the diet is a big part of our energy.
I began feeding raw over thirty years ago- I was then, accused of trying to make dogs mean? If you can imagine it does the opposite it is calming. Today, I do foods for dogs in the food processor, cooked foods, raw high enzyme foods, some fruits, many supplements and I use no chemical products.
I solve most of their issues over 90% as they rarely have them because of their care. When they do have an issue I almost always have the remedy. I have relied upon hair tissue testing for them as well.
Seizures are something Luna, the GSD mix 100# dog was having up to 2 hours in the middle of the night. My family member was addicted to opiates following surgery.
I was frazzled caring for them both. I tissue tested Luna and found that she had elevated aluminum. I plan to share that story in a forthcoming book about dogs that I hope to produce soon.
For feeding, trust-building (aka training), prevention, pest management, stomach issues, fur issues, licking, anxiety, cancer, cataracts, tumors, fatty liver, thyroid issues, I have helped people saving them thousands of dollars often in one session. I have worked with people who have therapy dogs and pups to geriatric dogs.