What damage does mercury do to the body?

What damage does mercury do to the body?

Elevated Mercury does a lot of damage to the brain, hormones, blood, bones, teeth, and very much to the thyroid.
The damage is done as it is stored in the tissues of the body and is not mobilized to get it out (detox). Then, it will produce havoc over time. Many people had or still have the silver-mercury amalgam fillings in their mouth and those are very damaging including producing anxiety, energy issues (thyroid deficiency is caused by mercury in part), the mercury will interfere with other necessary trace elements and macro minerals in the body causing any number of possibilities.
This is precisely why I can count on the HTMA as it will provide clarity about the individual’s biochemistry and, what we need to do to provide correction and balance.

Mama Z Shaman
Karen L. Pringle
LMT, RYT, HTMAP, Researcher, Author, Speaker