What is the root cause of infertility?

What is the root cause of infertility?

There is not one in most instances, but there are many.
These are discovered through tissue testing that I provide which can be done through the mail and video consult.
Other root causatives are diet, habits, environment, stress levels, metabolic (also discovered on the inexpensive, non-invasive, affordable, painless testing), and then there is Mind-Body Medicine factors, these are existing programs, the way we think, hidden fears (inadequacy, failure, responsibility, the current world state of events, etc.),
Many times the woman has some blockage, fibroids, endometriosis which can most often be cleared.
When I use the HTMA (my website is being redone and rebranded at the moment after many years), I can see patterns that relate to blood sugar, thyroid, energy, cellular respiration, hormones, in a way that serum blood testing cannot.
I have healed my own infertility. I produced a healthy child in 1995 after a Fertility Specialist OB told me it would never happen in 1993 – it did. I have helped many women and couples to conceive successfully as well as reverse PCOS and other uterine issues.
I never look at lack of ease (dis-ease) as one single factor or “root,” the root causes as you ask are making sure that you do a complete initial assessment and then also factoring as you work with someone. This is the subject of my 38 years of professional service with clients is learning the ancient art of medicine without “practicing medicine” without dispensing advice but showing people results, guiding them about habits, diet, thoughts as there were doctors who knew that you are made of these elements and oftentimes it is when toxic or “heavy” elements are involved they cause problems that can be corrected through nutritional and orthomolecular supplementation.
It’s my passion in life to figure out what is causing it and help people to reach their goals.

Mama Z Shaman
Karen L. Pringle
LMT, RYT, HTMAP, Researcher, Author, Speaker