How do physicians know which vitamins/minerals a patient is deficient in without testing for a deficiency for any/all?

How do physicians know which vitamins/minerals a patient is deficient in without testing for a deficiency for any/all?

In my 38 years of providing a service as a Medicine Woman and now Elder Shaman with 100s of clients, I use a form of tissue (hair) and do an HTMA test which can be ordered by mail. (My website is being completely redone and will be up soon!)
Why guess and judge symptoms? While they “may” lead you to answer, serum blood testing is in most instances inferior to form a basis for what?
INDIVIDUAL BIOCHEMISTRY and, what is needed as Orthomolecular Supplementation
I have decades of being able to glean the problem and make a reasonable assumption but adding in a form of testing that assures the client what we are doing is “bingo!”
Often, my many years of reviewing, solving problems, and helping clients to rebalance through what is termed “nutritional correction,” has taught me what it would take anyone many years to learn by reading the report I can see emotional patterns, and much more, thyroid function, blood sugar balancing, cellular respiration and way more!
I have studied doctors work from the 50s and 60s who knew that what is today tamped down with drugs labeled psychotropics is better when we are able and not in an absolute emergency to utilize prevention and rebalancing, in this way we regeneration and, reverse out of dis-ease (lack of ease).

Mama Z Shaman
Karen L. Pringle
LMT, RYT, HTMAP, Researcher, Author, Speaker (1961–present)