Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Profile 2


Hair tisue testing is ideal for everyone, at any age. It is powerful to identify where you need to balance, and for prevention.  Mnay times we  use this powerful tool as well to reverse the symptoms of disease.

Your patient report reveals the real root causative and equips you with powerful insights.  It doesn’t not diagnose you and so there is nothing scary!  I speak to this in my book Detox & Heal Your Thyroid.

It could not be more simple.  Order, receive your kit by mail, clip a sample and complete the form in about 5 minutes, then send it back postage paid.

If you want to add on BORON, please email as there is a small extra change of $10.

Once the lab has your patient report ready it will be sent to you via email, password-protected for  privacy.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTML) | Trace Elements

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair.  This is a must have for everyone1 It’s a foundation for assessment into physical, mental, emotional, and other issues.

We cannot build a strong you without it.

This is a multi-element assay (36 elements) of hair.
Profile #2 also has health trends, foods to eat/avoid, and your own metabolic type, and much more.  You can also order this test with a 30 minute video consult as a package.

Profile #3 is a retest that will have previous report data but without health trends.  Any questions? Please contact me through the website. 

*Orders from The State of New York will not be accepted and will be issued a refund

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HTMA is ideal for everyone at any age and it is a powerful means to prevention, as well as reverse disease. It reveals the real root causatives as there are many underlying your problems.

I speak to this in my book: Detox & Heal Your Thyroid

Getting Started: It could not be more simple. Order, receive your kit by mail, clip a sample in about 5 minutes and send it back postage paid.

If you want to add on BORON, please email me as there is a small extra charge of $10.

Once the lab has your Patient Report ready it will be sent to you via email with a password.



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